Realiza algunos cambios en el entorno mundial
Edificio 3, Ciudad de la Innovación Wanyang, Calle Langxia, Ciudad de Yuyao, Provincia de Zhejiang
Reciclado de plásticos

Guía de reciclaje: Cómo reciclar botellas de plástico
Have you ever thought about where all the plastic bottles we throw away end up? In just America, we use about 2.5 million plastic bottles…

Reciclar plástico: consejos para su correcta eliminación y reutilización
Are we doing enough to cut down our environmental impact with plastic recycling, or are we just pretending? A clear guide for recycling plastics is…

Guía definitiva: Cómo reciclar plástico de forma eficiente
Ever thought about how much plastic waste is actually recycled? Surprisingly, more than 90% of it ends up in landfills and oceans1. Today, with plastic…

Cómo hacer funcionar eficazmente su máquina de reciclaje de plástico
To reach top performance and plastic recycling efficiency, knowing how to operate recycling equipment is key. At JianTai Plastic Machinery Co., we focus on creating…

Cómo se crean los plásticos: Guía paso a paso
Ever wondered how plastics are made from stuff like crude oil and natural gas? It’s a cool mix of science and careful making. We’re going…

Crisis del plástico: cuánto plástico hay en el océano
Have you ever wondered how much plastic ends up in our oceans? It’s a huge problem. Estimates suggest that our oceans have between 75 to…

Reciclado de materiales plásticos: Un futuro sostenible
Are current recycling practices the key to solving the global plastic waste crisis, or do we need to rethink our approach to achieve real sustainability…

Reciclaje de botellas de plástico: Una guía completa
Did you know that Americans use 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour, with most ending up as single-use products? How many of these bottles return…

Reciclaje de plástico HDPE: Soluciones para un futuro más verde
Have you ever wondered how much impact recycling a single HDPE plastic bottle can have on our environment? The answer might surprise you. As we…