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Эталонная технология
Удаление суперклея с пластика: Краткое руководство
Ever wonder why super glue is tough to remove from plastic? This adhesive can hold more than a ton on just a tiny area. Yet,…
График разложения: Как долго разлагается пластик?
Ever thought about how long the plastic you throw away lasts? It can stay around, hurting nature for many, many years. Knowing how long plastic…
Стираем маркер Sharpie с пластика: простое руководство
Ever wondered if you can really get Sharpie off plastic without harm1? We’re here to show you how to clean it off well. Our guide…
A Guide to How Plastic Materials Are Made
Have you ever wondered about the plastic manufacturing process? How are plastic materials made? Plastic products are a big part of our everyday lives and…
Коррекция выпуклой подбородочной области: Руководство по пластической хирургии
Is your bulbous chin affecting your face balance and self-esteem? Are you looking for ways to make it look better? A bulbous chin can disrupt…
Car Underbody Plastic Removal Guide – Quick Steps
Ever thought about how removing your car’s underbody plastic can boost its upkeep and life? Our detailed guide on car maintenance plastic removal tutorial unveils…
Remove Sharpie from Plastic Easily – Quick Guide
Ever wondered why removing Sharpie marks from plastic is tough? WD-40 or toothpaste might seem good, but there’s a simpler way. It’s about turning the…
Завяжите шнурок на пластиковой тыкве: Простое руководство
Ever wondered about boosting your DIY projects with plastic gourds? Our guide shows you how to tie a string on a plastic gourd. It opens…
Defeating Plastic Man: Can He Be Killed?
Is it possible to defeat the mighty Plastic Man? Fans of the DC universe have wondered about this since he appeared in Police Comics #1…